Sunday, October 21, 2007

Finding Grace

Grace. A gift I'm unworthy of getting. Much like that gift you asked for and thought you would never really get. While today it seems that I have been trying to make sense of what grace is and how it had change my life. There are no words that can explain this. Even if I could put words to it; it would only cheapen it.
I'm still finding grace. Even when I feel that I'm unworthy of it. God does. I'm his beloved daughter. He sees me as worthy. Yet, I don't feel this way much of the time. Given that when you come out with various sins the church, as a whole, call 'unforgivable'.
The Bible is clear. That we are to love all people. Even when they sin. No matter the sin. There is always grace and forgiveness. Which is given by God though the blood of Christ. No matter what cause us to stumble. The church has cause much heartache.
All I can do is pray!

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